“The Boys of 1936” Boathouse Tour

Conibear Shellhouse

Guided Tours

IMPORTANT: The ASUW Shell House is currently closed for construction through Fall 2026. All Boys in the Boat tours are now hosted exclusively through Conibear Shellhouse.

Fans of Daniel James Brown’s New York Times bestseller The Boys in the Boat, now have a unique opportunity to get an inside look at the legacy of “The Boys.” Join us for a tour through Washington Rowing’s Conibear Shellhouse and watch Rantz, Hume, Moch, and the rest of the ’36 Husky Clipper come to life in this hour-long tour highlighting the historical regalia of the champion crew.

The tour will include chances to see the lettermen’s jackets of Joe Rantz and Don Hume, the IRA and Berlin Olympics medals of Joe Rantz, and the famed Husky Clipper shell.

Guests will be led by current UW rowing student-athletes through Conibear Shellhouse, starting with an inside look at the legacy of George Pocock and the latest generation of Pocock Racing shells, then through the heart of the boathouse: the erg bays, and finally to the Windermere Cup Dining room to stand under the Husky Clipper and imagine the roar of the crowd as the Clipper took gold in the 1936 Berlin Olympics race in front of Adolf Hitler.

Guided Tour


Time: Tours are offered on weekends for up to 35 people.

Cost: $30 per adult, $15 for students (ages 11-17).

Private tours are offered subject to availability. Pricing for private tours start at the cost of a sold-out public tour.

Location: Tours begin and end in the entryway of Conibear Shellhouse.

Please note: Conibear Shellhouse is an active athletic facility for UW student-athletes. Conibear is not open to the public, and opportunities to view artifacts inside are only available through guided tours.

Tour Guides

The tours were started by Melanie Barstow (class of ’16), but have now been passed on to current student athletes from the mens and women’s teams.

Boathouse Tour


Conibear Shellouse is on the University of Washington campus, northeast of Husky Stadium. Please see this link for directions to Conibear Shellhouse. This includes parking information and a map of the location.

The entrance to Conibear is located through the double doors under the silver letters which read “Conibear Shellhouse” at the front of the boathouse. Go up the concrete steps (or ramp) and past the green lawn at the front of the shellhouse to find the entry way. Tours will start inside these doors promptly at the time marked.

If you are unable to make the tour you have registered for, please choose another available tour date and time, and email bitbtours@gmail.com directly. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice is required for any rescheduling. Please note rescheduling is subject to tour availability.

YES! These tours are tailored specifically to The Boys in the Boat book, but are open to all.

The tour is approximately 60 minutes long and includes leisurely strolls from one place in Conibear to the next, as well as one flight of stairs.

  1. Rate us on TripAdvisor here!
  2. Consider donating to Washington Rowing here.

Please email bitbtours@gmail.com for any questions or concerns you may have regarding the tour.